
Finally, WHO declared pandemic on March 11, 2020.
My client who lived in A Country contacted me in February, and asked. “I need to extend my status of residence in April, but when I go to Japan, I am isolated for 14 days, and maybe even flights from Japan may be denied entry. Can I somehow extend my status of residence without returning to Japan? “
A special case of immigration by Corona was announced, but the target was only those who’s expiry date is whithin in March 2020.
So he came to Japan ready to wait at home for 2 weeks after he back to A country.
Furthermore, it was announced during his visit to Japan that his current home would not accept returnees from Japan.
He can’t work.
Response of Japan was still loose in February though A country was more severe. Also the conditions such as refusal to enter countries changed every day.
I wonder that I could share his sense of crisis.