
①在留期間更新許可申請,②再入国許可申請,③資格外活動許可申請 はオンラインでも可能とご存知ですか?

「外交」「特定技能」「短期滞在」の在留資格は対象外ですが、それ以外は所属機関がカテゴリー1か2(上場企業か 前年分の給与所得の源泉徴収票等の法定調書合計表の源泉徴収票合計表の源泉徴収税額が1,000万円以上ある 企業)ならほぼ対象です。

申請ができるのは 外国人の所属機関の職員、所属機関から依頼を受けた申請取次届済弁護士か行政書士です。入管へ行くことなく24時間オンラインで申請できますが、利用前に入管へ届けが必要です。




Online application for foreigin residence procedures

Do you know that you, foreigners can apply by online for (1) renewal of period of stay (2) re-entry permit (3) non-qualification activity ?

The status of residence for “diplomacy,” “specified skilled worker,” and “short-term stay” are not included, but in other cases, the institution that belongs to category 1 or 2 (listed company or last year’s withholding tax in the total table Total tax withholding tax amount is more than 10 million yen).

Persons who can use the online service are the staff of the foreigners belonged institution, lawyers or Gyoseisyoshi lawyers who has received the request from the institution. You can apply online 24 hours without going to immigration, but you need to send online service applicaton to immigration in advance.

Although it is convenient we could input many cases at once, it is fatal that we couldn’t save the cosuments. Also we couldn’t withdraw it and the validity period is one year. It is not easy to use, but I think that you may use in case of technical training.

Some people say that the style of work changes dramatically due to the corona viruses, so we may have to use it regardless of the usability.

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