入管によると2018年末の在留外国人数は,273万1,093人,前年末に比べ16万9,245人(6.6%)増加となり過去最高 である。 ちなみに 増加が顕著な国ベスト3は,ベトナム,ネパール、インドネシア 。
一方入管職員はというと、2018/12/8産経新聞によると2019/4/1入管庁へ変わるのを機に、入国審査官は400人増だという。 入国審査官昨年約2880人+ 400=3280人。うち半数が書類審査を担当するとして16万9254÷1640=103件。月にすると1人10件増。 あれ?、以外と少ない。書類審査の人数がもっと少ないか、東京入管へ集中しているかもしれない。

Application to the immigration takes time. Business management status of residence takes 6-8 months. The number of foreigners in Japan and foreigners who want to come is increasing, so there is no way that the number of applications will increase, but immigration staff seems to increase only at a lower rate than the increase in foreigners. So it seems that it takes time to apply Became.
According to immigration, the number of foreign residents at the end of 2018 was 2,731,093, an increase of 169,245 (6.6%) compared to the end of the previous year, a record high. Vietnam, Nepal and Indonesia are the top three countries where the increase is remarkable.
On the other hand, the number of immigration officers has increased by 400, according to the 2018/12/8 Sankei Newspaper, which changed to the April 1, 2019 Immigration Bureau. Immigration officers last year about 2880 + 400 = 3280. Half of them, as document review, are 169,254 ÷ 1640 = 103. Increased by 10 per person per month. Wow? There are few than I imagine. The number of document reviewers may be smaller or concentrated on Tokyo immigration.
We Immigration Lawyers meet customers to see who they are and apply for a glimpse of their lives, but immigration officials are simply chased by documents. If they put away a pile of documents, it will be added again and the pile will not be lowered. Moreover, they only review the documents without meeting with individuals. I think that they are difficult to find fun to work. I think there are other rewarding and fun things to do.
In such a busy situation, it would be appreciated if they accept our intention and allow it early. It’s sad we couldn’t say thank you directly …