何のためにメンテに通っていたのか? その歯医者にはもう行きたくないので別の所を探した。 歯医者を探すのは難しい。Netで歯医者の口コミは件数も信頼できそうな口コミも少ない。それでも良さそうな歯医者を探してA医院に行ってみた。が、うちではできない、というのみ。しょうがないのでもう1か所探し、B医院に行った。B医院は町医者では難しいと、大学病院への紹介状を書いてくれた。
A医院の先生も技術は高いのに、言葉が足りなかったのだと思う。当事務所の場合、お客様は不安が高じて相談にいらしているので、①なるべく早く相談にのる は実践しているが、②当事務所でできないときは次のステップを案内する ③日本語ができるお客様でも全てを理解しているとは限らないので何回か確認する ことを徹底したいと思った。

From the conclusion, I think it is best to ask an Gyoseisyoshi Lawyer who listens your talk well and explain till you understand well.
Dental clinic X, I went to maintenance once every 3 months for 2 years, but my teeth was getting worth in 2 years.
What did I go to maintain for there? I never want to go to the dental clinic anymore, so I searched another place. Finding a dental clinic is difficult. There are few reviews of dentists on the Net and are likely to be not reliable. I selected A dental clinic anyway. But A dentist only said that he can’t care my teeth there. I couldn’t help but looked for another place and went to B’s dental clinic . Dentist B wrote a letter of introduction to the university hospital that my case was difficult for a town doctor.
B dental clinic is so helpful for me. About A dental clinic, I wasn’t sure what to do next.
I think Gyoseisyoshi Lawyers are the same. Some customers said they have heard from several Gyoseisyoshi Lawyers , but they didn’t know what to believe because they said different things depends on Gyoseisyoshi Lawyers .
They may not be able to properly understand the customer’s story because of preconceptions, they may not be able to convey customer’s intentions due to lack of words, or they may have little experience.
I think the dentist of A’s clinic was skilled, but lacked enough language. In the case of our office, the customer is very anxious and is in need of consultation. Therefore, ①I will give them a consultation as soon as possible, but ②If my firm cannot accept customer’s case, I will guide them to the next step if there are. ③Even a customer who can speak Japanese doesn’t always understand everything, so I need to check important things several times.
The Gyoseisyoshi Lawyers in Tokyo who disciplinary action is requested can be confirmed here. There are some Gyoseisyoshi Lawyers who say that they can do projects that they never get a permission. Therefore please refer to belows.