I left Japan by re-entry. But I cannot re-enter Japan by Corona viruses before the expiration date of my staus of residence! How should I do?
If your period of stay has expired due to the effects of corona, or if you are a foreigner whose period of stay is about to expire but cannot return to Japan, you need to submit the following documents to the Immigration Bureau.
-Application for certificte of eligibility -Statement of reasons of the host institution
For example, your visa will expire at the end of June 2020, but you are returning to your home country by re-entry, and your flight will not be able to fly to Japan before your visa expires.
We have been receiving an increasing number of consultations from people who do not have staff at their host institution (e.g. “business management”). We, GYoseishoshi Lawyer could represent you, so please consult with us.
① 「短期滞在」で在留中の方 ⇒ 「短期滞在(90日)」の在留期間更新を許可する。 ② 「技能実習」又は「特定活動(外国人建設就労者(32号),外国人造船就労者(35号))」で在留中の方が,従前と同一の業務で就労を希望する場合。 ⇒ 「特定活動(3か月・就労可)」 への在留資格変更を許可する。→5/21から「特定活動(6か月・就労可)」。
③ その他の在留資格で在留中の方(上記②の者であって,就労を希望しない場合を含む。) ⇒ 「短期滞在(90日)」への在留資格変更を許可する。→5/21から「特定活動(就労不可)・6か月」に。 ※ 上記①~③について,帰国できない事情を証明することが必要です。
① 在留資格認定証明書の有効期間に関する措置 ⇒ 通常は「3か月間」有効な在留資格認定証明書を,当面の間,「6か月間」有効なものとして取り扱う。 ② 申請中の案件について,活動開始時期の変更希望が示された場合 ⇒ 受入機関作成の理由書のみをもって審査する。 ③ 再入国出国中に在留期限を経過した方など,改めて在留資格認定証明書交付申請が行われた場合 ⇒ 申請書及び受入機関作成の理由書のみをもって審査する。
My client who lived in A Country contacted me in February, and asked. “I need to extend my status of residence in April, but when I go to Japan, I am isolated for 14 days, and maybe even flights from Japan may be denied entry. Can I somehow extend my status of residence without returning to Japan? “
A special case of immigration by Corona was announced, but the target was only those who’s expiry date is whithin in March 2020.
So he came to Japan ready to wait at home for 2 weeks after he back to A country.
Furthermore, it was announced during his visit to Japan that his current home would not accept returnees from Japan.
He can’t work.
Response of Japan was still loose in February though A country was more severe. Also the conditions such as refusal to enter countries changed every day.